When people think of a bus in Central America, they think of a "chicken bus." A chicken bus is a school bus that is overcrowded and sometimes stores chickens on the top of the bus. This is the cheapest bus to take and usually it's available for short routes. If you take it for longer routes, you have to transfer at least 3-5 times. They are really made for locals who need them, but tourists who travel with no money also use them(do not support these kinds of travelers).
A step up from a chicken bus would be a tourist bus or shuttles bus, which is what I used for traveling over the border to Nicaragua. Of course this trip was focused on mission work and helping others maximum time. If I was taking a boat and 4 buses and 3 days to get somewhere, this would be a waste of time.
Usually, I do not like booking the big tourist shuttles, but this was my smartest move on the trip. After taking a morning boat from Roatan(nothing like the first ride to the island), I arrived at the La Ceiba port. I had a man with a sign waiting for me(I never get these luxuries, but I love it when I do). Of course, he was standing with the sign upside
down smiling, but I got the message. From this point forward, I was on my way to Nicaragua on a small, clean gray van. direct bus to Nicaragua. 12 fun, relaxing, entertaining, spiritual, and interesting hours.
As previously mentioned, when it comes to Priscilla being on a bus, it's nothing like the average journey. With kindness and humor, I establish rapport with the driver and the assistant driver. If they need assistance with something, I like to help them and be a part of their team rather than grouped with the tourists. On this van, there was a communication mishap, i.e. I misunderstood what they said in Spanish. His friend disappeared when we went in the van therefore I thought the front seat was open. He told me to, "Por favor sientense." He said his friend is not driving and not here.
Shortly, I looked in the back and see his driver friend sitting in the back with the tourists. Immediately, I offer to change seats, but of course Sam says, "No problem." It's a hot day outside and I have the AC blowing directly on me and I get myself comfortable. Felipe(driver) are content up there while he is telling me about his children and family. He tells me that Sam is his brother and I say, "No way." They look nothing alike and I think they are joking until we make a stop at his Mom's house. I had no idea where we were and made a comment before asking when to stop at a bathroom.
Felipe says, "Come on in. You can use the bathroom here."
At this point the tourists must think I am a relative(or at least I hope they do) because I do feel kind of bad. They weren't asked if they needed to use the bathroom. They also were not offered a big hug and a tamale by the Mom.
The house was lovely and in the back they had a few hammocks up staring out into lush green trees and mountains in a distance. It was an experience I would have liked to have in Honduras-a homestay.
I hopped in the front again and his brother jumped in the back. Usually, if there is an extra space I sit in front, but not when there's another person who sits there...? We were having this three way conversation and all eight of the tourists just sat there like zombies. They were all half passed out or just not interested in making any conversation.
Being a real diva, I nicely asked when we would stop somewhere so I could eat. After that request we made a stop at a gas station that had some hot food. This time the tourists get to come out and get something. We all picked a snack and drink and the driver paid for it. This was something I had never seen before as I am used to snacking on almonds for 10 hours. These guys were buying us breakfast?
This was quite a pleasant surprise and clearly this was a great company(owner was also extremely kind).
Of course, everything had meat so Priscilla was sad and then the nice lady wanted to make me something with cheese, but I didn't want something fried. At this point, the tourists are probably shaking their heads like, "Oh this girl."
Walking up and down the aisles, I'm so hungry and one thing catches my eye....Snack packs. Honduras has snack packs and they sell them individually. I bought a couple them with intentions of eating them in a few minutes. Sometimes it feels good to see something from home. Perhaps this is why so many tourists buy pringles, doritos, snicker bars, and Coca-Cola.
After another few hours of driving, there must have been a storm and we got stuck in front of some damaged trees. Finally, the tourists speak and then the ball is rolling. They are from Germany, they are traveling(Germans are always traveling more than any country), and they enjoyed the beach in Utila-blah blah nothing exciting. With this conversation, I smile and decided to lay down and get comfortable- I have my travel blanket and the extra space in the middle with the AC blowing. It's quite comfortable and they must be envious in the back as they are complaining they can't feel the AC. When I woke up with my eyes barely open, Felipe says, "You are a special person, really special." Then he gives me a big smile. What a way to wake up...what a way to wake up.
We stopped for lunch and I sat with the drivers. I bought them both a Cadbury bar. When I ask about their work schedule, they say they both work six days a week just going between La Ceiba and Leon (12-14 hours). They sleep for a 5-6 hours and go back and do it again. It amazes me how people can drive such long hours whether-truck, car, taxi, shuttle. Sam did the whole NYC cab driver thing and said that he would never do it again. Felipe was perfectly content living in Honduras and had no desire to travel to USA. It's interesting because there are those who never want to visit and those who want to try out the American dream. Many of them I meet end up coming back to their home country. They can say they have been there and done that and move on with life. Truly, these guys were humble, sweet guys. They were so impressed with my work and my kind personality.
When you are good to people, they are good to you in return. I often share my food with the drivers and bus workers and we sit and chat it up at the stops. I remember in India I met the nicest kindest, bus driver and conductor. We stopped the bus to share some local fish and fries.. They had this bean soup too that was so good. It's almost always such a pleasurable experience with the local bus drivers.
We were finally making some headway into Leon at 10:30 pm and 70 percent of people knew where they were going. For example, when you arrive by bus late at night you should be prepared and have a few addresses for places to stay.
Unfortunately, coming in late many hostels were booked. People did not book ahead and planned on them having space. I had researched places ahead and found a B and B that was not commercial and touristy a mile outside the center. It was truly perfect and I kept it a secret from everyone BUT I did help those tourists who were nice. I went in and set up a four bed room for four of them because they only had one big room left.
Manager, "Are you the tour guide?"
"No, I'm a tourist helping out."
"Oh that's nice of you."
"Sure." (Thinking of the drivers and how tired they are).
With this room situation, I figured they could change it over tomorrow because it was too late to be looking door to door. This lovely couple from England were so thankful and went on board with two other girls.
Off we went the next place where one guy was dropped off. Now there were three left-a cute Argentinian guitar player and his two friends(boyfriend and girlfriend).
This Black girl had a serious attitude problem and when I asked her if she wanted to take the room she said, "I don't need you to tell me what to do. Would you just
To be continued......
Along the way......
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