Lip to Lip

My apologies for those who thought this post was about something romantic and sappy. It's definitely neither of the two.

When it comes to "Lip to Lip," this expression I have coined for someone to close their mouth.  This girl had her mouth running with no respect for anyone. The two guys she was with did not even say a word. 

She did not want my advice so I sat in the front and said nothing to her.  Of course I used my sarcasm talking to the guys saying, "I'm so sorry that you guys have to stay up so late because people are unprepared." She didn't say much because she knew she was in the wrong.  The drivers are suppose to drop you off at one location not run around looking for a place all night.  They are actually doing you a huge favor driving around and wasting gas looking for a place for you.

The icing on the cake was that she didn't want to spend money so she had to stay at a $6 budget and she wanted breakfast too...Wow.   
No consideration or caring to the fact that it's now 1145 and people need their sleep.
After five places, she finds one that suites her needs. It's a complete dump and looks like they would have bed bugs. I wouldn't stay there if someone paid me.  Clearly, the guys had no say and they were just following her lead(her poor boyfriend). 

Clearly it was not time to connect with the cute Argentinian after all this drama.  "Bye, nice meeting you..." There goes another cute Argentinian guy yikes!

I purposely made myself the last stop. Could you imagine if I had to stay with her in the same place?
She would never spend $20 a night so that wouldn't happen.

At this point, we had another parking guy in the car who was helping to find places. Apparently, the drivers don't know there way around Leon.  This old man is a complete angel and I was so appreciative to him.  He was just helping from his heart(not for money), but I gave him $5. You have to reward those who do good in a humble, kind manner. Why?
Because you want them to keep on doing it...

Moral to this adventure:
Be good to people and they will be good to you. 

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