Confirmation Dos

When you follow a mission, a calling, or a passion-it's not a selfish decision rather it's one from a higher power. It's something you may wonder about, question, feel happiness and confusion, or maybe you just need some confirmation.

Confirmation is one of the most important parts of  purpose or calling.  When you start tuning into these confirmations and follow through with your purpose, you know you're in the right place.  It's not easy to be spiritually aware of the small signs that are being sent as confirmation.  It does require patience, practice, and an open mind/heart.  You will be surprised about what comes your way.

When you follow your confirmation and find your purpose-this is when the confirmation multiplies. Your higher power is indirectly telling you through people, places, events, signs, street names, churches. 

Sometimes you receive these confirmations indirectly from someone's awareness or improvement.  A person may feel inspired, have an "aha" moment.  A person may have conversation with you which made them question their own purpose and how to become better.  A person may confront their problems or sins and realize that there is still hope and light.  It is you who takes the time to listen to them, to acknowledge them, and to assist them.  When you learn you're impact, see your impact, hear your impact, and breathe it-this is when your know your purpose is on target.  You know  that you are exactly where you are suppose to be and This is the best feeling of satisfaction to your being. 

When you feel doubt, tune into confirmation.  It could just change your life.......PRIS

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