Nicaraguan Basketball

On a Friday night near the church, I saw heard some shouting and saw a crowd of people. I assumed it was a church gathering or maybe a festival.  I looked down to see a basketball court with people sitting on each side cheering away. The players were dressed in official uniforms with one team red and the other blue. It was cute that they had official uniforms with their names on the back. Also, they were an older team in their 30s and 40s all male. They were all playing in a league through the church, which I thought was nice.
My interest in the game was questionable, but when I started watching I realized they were really good! The red team was in the lead as they had a couple excellent players and some cool fake out tactics. The blue team was only a few points behind and they were trying so hard. A few kids and I were cheering on the blue team together with our oohs and aaahs.  They ended up losing, but it was such a great game. I wanted them to play again:) 

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