Painting Session

When it comes to my interests, I would not say they have significantly changed overtime, but I would say that some interests are becoming true passions.  For example: writing, art/ painting, poetry, hiking, cooking, and traveling. 
One that has truly come to life is painting.  I have always had a passion for art exhibits, museums, and cultural art.  This time I am interested in making the painting myself.  It's such a therapeutic relaxing passion with some classical music and a peaceful space. 


My little friend, Elizabeth, shared this same passion and we decided to do some painting together. She didn't understand my classical music, but she didn't mind it either. After work, her dad walked in and had a huge smile on his face. It was clear he had a tiny crush on me and I adored his daughter. 
After our painting, Elizabeth, even made me a quesadilla with my favorite white cheese. I asked what this would do her thighs and she said, "Who cares."  I said, "Good girl." 


               My Knock off Salvador Dali


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