Karaoke and Spring Rolls

Sometimes when traveling, you want to feel like you’re at home. You may not be home sick and ready to go home, but you just want to feel it for a moment in time. As previously mentioned, fast food restaurants can be that place where I can relax and just restart my engine. The staff is so friendly, warm, and welcoming-a part of it does feel like home.

With this Mega plaza across the street from my hotel, I was bound to venture over there and check it out. Of course, they have the typical American chains, but they also have some nice restaurants. A Mexican restaurant and outdoor seafood restaurant on the patio, which circles around. It’s a pretty nice mall I must say.

One night, I was starving for something to eat that wasn’t fried or on the street (near the church food). I heard some music so I thought I would check it out. I sat at the bar with the friendly Colombian with the cool hair. Colombians or maybe just futbol players always have unique hair-spikey in all different directions. On stage, in front of me was a beautiful girl singing “Cuando Me Enamoro.” It was Spanish Karaoke and I loved it. These people were so lively and most of them knew how to sing, especially Mr. Julio Iglesias. It was a pretty good looking, upscale crowd. It was all open windows with a nice breeze coming in.  I ordered the Tuna tartar-absolute heaven. While everyone sang, I just watched until my favorite song came on and I danced. “Bailando” by Enrique Iglesias.

If I don’t dance to this song then I don’t deserve to be in Latin America. Everyone dances to this amazing beat. Everyone. It was nice, this whole getting older and not caring about dancing by yourself-enjoying without worrying about others.  This doesn’t really apply in Latin America because people of all ages, incomes, professions, colors, cultures- they dance. It’s truly beautiful just letting go of those inhibitions. 


The next night was not as exciting and I probably should have went back the same place, but I went to PF Changs. While most would not choose this, Panama is sort of Americanized so I did not feel so bad.   I couldn’t feel bad when it tasted sooo good. …. And I maybe ate something else that involves sugar, bananas, and spring rolls.

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