Fighting Violence in Faith

This church I helped out at for a few days truly had a wonderful ministry going.  The after school program was successful with good attendance. Not just with my eyes, but inquiring about the regular attendance. These kids were different than my other projects because they had a hard exterior. You could tell in their presentation, behavior, comments, and reaction. 
Of course, we were discussing the topics of violence in their neighborhood. These kids have seen so much just within their own neighborhood and community. It’s one big four by four square of gangs and violence-they just sit right in the middle of it.  It feels like there is no way out.  When you make one good decision to quit a gang that can lead to a lot of hurt or potential danger. It’s a violent cycle for someone who is 14 to 17 who just wants to experience the normal teenage years.

There was a 14 year old who watched his 20 year old brother be shot by a gang member. He told me about some positive memories, but he said his neighborhood reminds him of negative. He has to protect his Mom, but he just wants to escape, but he can’t.  This is a common story for the gang violence. It’s completely heart breaking because solutions are slim when these people can’t afford to leave, they are threatened, they have a large family, and in bad scenarios-it’s just too late. 

While I’m usually curious to explore the neighborhood (East LA, Bronx, South side Chicago), this was not a place I wanted to explore. I actually felt scared with the razor sharp tension in the air. These environments can be dangerous to the soul. They can make someone who is a believer an evil being. The stories that sound hopeless are the ones that need a reminder on what faith and prayer can do. They need realistic steps, but they also need God. It was amazing to see how many were involved with the church and they were active members serving. With the sadness came the silver lining.

It was just a short time with these kids, but it only takes a few days to inspire, encourage, give praise verbally and through high fives, bringing some snacks, and be a listener through his spirit.  His spirit can bring such laughter and joy. His spirit can create hope in total sadness.
When things appear hopeless, you are not alone. Look above you and smile-keep your faith no matter what happens to you… matter what happens.... PRIS

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