Elderly Need

With the unbearable heat, I wanted to get an ice cream cone.  Burger King has my favorite ice cream cones when I'm abroad. I love my Eskimo, but I don't like their Vanilla ice cream in the cooler(yes weird). Always, always content sitting and eating my $1 ice cream cone, I see the cutest old man dressed like a elderly rebel. He has some cool glasses and a war general shirt. His name is Reynaldo. He is speaking a difficult Spanish, but I am following 80 percent. Reynaldo just sits and reads the newspaper. He is talking about different wars and how his wife passed away long ago.  It's clear that he's lonely and needs a friend. The elderly always need a friend and if you think they don't-they do.  He is sharing with no filter and he is happy to have someone to share things with. Reynaldo lives in a city outside Leon and a program helps him come to the center every Wednesday.  Every Wednesday is the senior citizen matinee movie at 12pm. He introduces me to his friend, Harry, and Harry is friendly and thinks he's got a new date.

Reynaldo is planning our second meeting asking me to meet him in the park in front of the cathedral.  This is 1 minute from where I'm staying, but when I will have the time during the day is beyond me. 
I tell him that I will try to meet in the park on Thursday, but it would have to be after 4pm.  He says that he will be in the park from 2 to 4 and wait for me. 

Unfortunately, I did not make it at 4 and Reynaldo was waiting for me and I never came.  This makes me sad, but it's the reality that presents itself sometimes.  You can't help everyone all the time and sometimes you need to say, "No."
Still adore this man.... but sad for the hope lost 

Don't set up people's expectations too high because if you disappoint- this is a bad case of guilt and a complete sadness for the other person. PRIS

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