Power, Human Life and Church

When I sit in this church, I must wonder how much impact does the actual church have on these people? The church is a strong, powerful entity, which represents our faith in Jesus and his father. There are feelings of belonging associated with the church and it's community. A well-liked pastor can move mountains for people, inspire them, and make them believe in a better tomorrow. 

Is that enough participation for those underprivileged who need so much more?

There is that individual relationship with the pastor, but what about the support from others.  Some churches have this down perfectly where they are connecting people together.  This church in Leon, Nicaragua is completely missing that supportive community that these people need. The sad part is that many churches are not focusing on connecting and supporting this population. It's the reality of their ever existing lives.  They are fed a few times a week, but what about their other needs for support and belonging. These people just need someone to get them organized in a group each week, a person to smile and encourage them, and someone to teach independent living skills. Even in the US, churches usually address the need for food, but skip out on the need for belonging. 

Abroad, food is presented as the main thing to give, but what about time? 
What about a conversation with these people about their day, their interests, and how they are impacted my God?

The underprivileged population of Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala- they are hungry for the attention rather than just the food that is given. Their eyes light up from this human attention, which all human beings crave.  They have a tendency to crave it more because their low support systems. Those coming into the church with a full family, a regular schedule, a secure place to live, and the ability to feed and cloth themselves-they may just connect with the Pastor's message, go discuss it with family, and go on their way. This is not the case for those suffering from poverty, addiction, abuse, no job, and lost purpose. These people need the church to give them a little bit something more.  Something to make them grow and thrive in their community. Someone to share their opinions, to connect with the message presented in church, to treat them to a coffee, and just.....

Someone to acknowledge them.  Please open up your eyes and give this population more that food. Give them something refreshing, an interesting story, a funny joke, a new job idea, a new friend...
Stimulate their brains and empower them to believe that they can achieve. God has been on their side, but they always need a new supporter on their side.  Add them to your team.  PRIS

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