Panama Analysis

-Lots of banks and use of western union
-Arrogance in the air
-Good looking men and women, but arrogant
-Light yellow cabs
-Super Hot weather
-Value money
-Discriminatory against women and backpackers

It came to my attention in Panama that people have some serious attitudes. Perhaps they were carried over from San Jose where people had a particular dislike for Americans. In Panama, there is a general disregard for the woman, which creates competition.

The woman always has something to prove, especially in the work place. I saw this with a female cop, a male cop, and a tourist.  The tourist crossed the street illegally and it was a 20 minutes lecture from the female cop making ridiculous points clearly just to impress the male. I sat at the bus stop observing both of them.  The male cop was calm and the female cop demonstrated complete authority just to prove herself as a female. When speaking to locals, this was how the culture functioned. It was normal for the man to receive praise for nothing and the woman trying to catch up.  We are almost in 2015 and this is still present in a culture that people say is almost "American."

If the culture is so similar to "America" reminding me of Miami, then wouldn't there be kindness and appreciation? Of course when you are in hostel, there are people from all cultures and the staff have to be respectful. When you are out in the street, it feels like people hear you're from America and you get this, "Oh."

All the history with Panama Canal, there has been a semi positive relationship according to other Americans. This feeling of love and appreciation was just not floating through the air.  I felt animosity and some strange energy.  Some locals told me that this was not the case and some told me it was the case.

When I spoke with a woman in the grocery store while sitting in a one hour line. As I said, when these people shop, they shop like they're shopping for an army.

Anyways, while standing there I said under my breath, "This would never happen in America." Two checkout girls for a line through the store. The reality is that this could happen in America and I was just being an American snob.  This local lady said to me, " What is America like?" I've never been there, but I'm sure it's very different.  This honesty and kindness from a local made me feel horrible. We had a nice conversation and I asked her about this animosity and she said, "Oh yes" followed by a firm head nod. I wanted to explore this further with her to learn,  but she started talking about wanting to shop til she drops in the US.  This was a nice moment and Panama scored a point. Don't get me wrong because Panama scored many points with wonderful people from the church, hostel, Hard Rock, taxi drivers here and there, and good people around Panama.

It definitely was a mix between the good and the bad, which is the reality of culture. 
If I could end on this note, Panama keep dressing nice, keep taking care of your bodies, keep shopping and help the economy, be proud of your coffee/Boquete, and the Panama Canal. For those who are not fond of Americans or just don't like them, the attitude should be adjusted and also the respect should be better. 


              - From an American-

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