Hit and Run

When I was walking down the hill, I saw my leg come two seconds away from hitting a truck.  I sat there with my mouth wide open in shock. This man was reversing his truck in a completely unsafe manner. With this reverse, his tires got stuck in a ditch where he burnt rubber to get himself out. He zoomed up the hill without an apology or acknowledgment that his behavior was wrong.  He could have hit a child let alone almost broke my leg. From his face, I could tell he was an expat, which I assumed to be European.

Fast forward-
Sitting in my café reading, a man comes up to me.  He is smiling and says, “Bonjour" loudly and happily.” I look at him and smile. (Interacting with many people, it sometimes takes me a minute to place them).  This one I truly had no idea and I just sat there smiling awkwardly. 
He says, “It’s me. The crazy French man that almost hit you.”
I am thinking in my head, "Ohhh you. Great."  
I smile, “And say oh yes you!”
He explains that he was in such a rush and asks for me to forgive him for such behavior-so I do. We are both laughing together and I forget about the whole thing.  He shares that he has an organic farm on top of the hill with his wife. He was on his way back up to get some documents for a meeting and he was in a terrible hurry. He had been living in Matagalpa for 15 years. I shared with him my interest in making a travel reality show and he said he shares the same passion. “Let’s make one together.” I could tell that him and I would be a hilarious combo-I love the French and considered this informal offer. He invited me to have breakfast with him at the farm. Unfortunately, I am leaving the next day-go figure. This man had such a happy and joyous spirit that I couldn’t be upset with him.  He was just an adorable 60 year old French man living in the hills of Matagalpa. He may just need a bit of advice on driving... 
Sometimes we need to forgive and forget....Unknown

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