Serving others
never stops. It doesn’t stop because I’m in a place for three days or when I’m
too busy. It continues on day to day and
moment to moment and need to need.
On my way to the
museum, I came off the train to the church square where, again, the homeless
were sitting there near the stairs. There was a man that was laying down and
not moving. His friends were next to him.
How do people
just leave these people completely unacknowledged? There are street vendors
selling juice, tamales, fruit, and no one acknowledges this man behind them?
It starts to
rain and he is still just laying there. I buy him a hamburger, a soda, and I
tap him-it takes more than one tap. His
friends say he is sleeping.
“Are you sure
he’s just sleeping?”
Finally he bobs
his head up, his face is cut up and filfthy. I wish I had a hot wash rag to
wash it off. He was missing a shoe and
he was not drinking alcohol. He ate the food and slopped it all over his face.
When I was watching him eat, I thought he would like some Colombian pastries. I
went back in the same place and got some random pastries. When I came back
again, all of them were surprised.
While I always
have a need to help, it’s significantly increased in the "giving food" department. When I’m abroad helping others, I feel the
most alive. When I am helping these people, it’s me, but it’s not. It is his
spirit that comes through with focusing on serving others at times of
Always remember there is
someone less fortunate. Do not allow your own personal agenda get in the way of a human life. PRIS
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