Spirit of Flowers Bay

Oh the Coconuts 

Oh this beautiful, beautiful spirit selling coconuts and avocados across from the beach in Flowers Bay. He wore a Yankees cap and a neon green tank top.  He didn't wear shoes nor did most people on this side of the island.  As far as his inner appearance, his soul shined like the sun and he was so spiritually happy.  This kind of happy is the kind of true happiness pastor's preach about, authors write about, Dalai Lama speaks about, and people dream of reaching.  He was happy without material goods to make him happy.  He reached a positive, enlightened place.  Yes, he reached that place living in a poor area without a Range Rover, an Iphone, and a house. 

I sat with him on his tool bench as he was showing me his different shapes of avocados. It's a human trying to impress with what they have. It's not much, but it's something for them to share and be proud of, which is important for human sense of responsibility and creation.  He went back to get a knife in his shack without a roof or room rather it just had a bunch of tools and machine parts and pieces inside. He began to speak of his younger days where he visited Chicago, New Orleans, Tampa Florida, and Jacksonville.   With his great memories of the past, he feels content with his current life and work. "It's not much, but I get by," he says.  He doesn't speak with sadness rather he speaks with acceptance, faith, and love in God.  These are the people that lift up my spirit. 

Of course, I bought some avocados from him and he gave my friends and I all coconuts.  It was sad to part ways from him because I always meet these people and want to do more, but I know that God is taking care of him.

Flowers Bay is a lovely, lovely place on the island. It actually was my favorite part of the island because it's authenticity of core needs and values of life. It's a neighborhood that exists off little, but what they were given. They utilize the land for fruits and vegetables, have hens and chickens, and they make use of their natural trades and crafts. This may just seem like another slum for someone else, but for me it was a special place of God. The beach sparkled especially when the sun shined down with boats and kids fishing.  Many people had bikes and would ride around everywhere. 

The school visited was right on the water with a basketball and tennis court sitting on top of the water with the waives behind.  Does it really get better than that?

 Instead of Brenda reading stories, she passed down the throne to me as she liked to watch and learn some new strategies. She really cared about her job and helping kids, but her personal life gave her confusion most of the time. Our driver also joined the sessions, which meant so much to see his face shining at me. To see him on the bus doing his part. This was the push that was needed. The push that I was responsible to perform and help recreate among staff. The push that would help the motivation of staff work more effectively and passionately.    People need to feel the spirit, enthusiasm, and encouragement. They need to feel a part of a team and cared about by others. When they are not acknowledged, valued, and appreciation- the work performance will go down.

                                            Staff reading to student

       Staff checking out book

                              Drawing butterflies for story 

In between reading to the kids, I wanted to do some fun stuff with the kids and that meant basketball. Now when I play sports, I mean business. Do I let other kids get the ball because they are 10 years old?

No. I am defensive and serious about winning with my team. The other staff had no interest in playing rather they just wanted to watch and make fun of me. For the first half, they didn't want to pass the ball to me, but when they saw me make three free throws in a row- they changed their mind. We did very well, but unfortunately there was a big guy on the other team. He totally did not belong, but we let him play to make it even. One big person per team- fair.

Well, he just kept making lay ups and I watched us lose. We had a team huddle to use a trick shot. Well that failed because our chubby kid saw the Icecream cart and got totally distracted- no joke. The ball was stolen and we watched their score soar up.
My staff friends all made fun of me saying I was schooled by Jay z. I blamed it all on the Ice cream  truck.

After the game, we went for a walk to the local convenience store where I saw a lady in a cashews. This felt like I was in the Fried Green tomatoes movie- similar setting. She was peeling all the nuts and had a whole bucket of fresh cashews. I bought $5 worth, which I really should have bought more. In the dirt sand roads, there were all these kids outside and lots of  abandoned houses. A lady was making fresh juice from watemelons and papaya on the street. I wanted to walk further, but my two friends did not advice this. I don't have fear in daylight with people as I know I can hold my own, but I obeyed. 

                                                     Boy eating lunch


We walked back and went for lunch at Mrs. Arlene's stand for some serious soul food. She had some crab stew with rice and beans and plantains. For desert, she had pecan pie. I decided to skip it due to eating two homemade carrot cupcakes the day before amongst other things. 

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