The kids part went from 9 to 12 and the youth went from 530 to 730. It was lead by Pastor Liz and a group of volunteers from North Carolina.
Along with them, the Trinity church group contributed their time and services with Pastor Ruth being the powerful center. Everyone in the community knew who she was and her positive impact could be seen from miles away. She started a program to help mothers creating their crafts business at home. She engaged
In community outreach for years and years making herself always available to the community. A true angel in my book and a strong woman.
As far as the staff from North Carolina, there was a nice older man named Roy I became friendly with and we would group together to help organize the kids for activities. He was retired and lived with his wife in Florida. He was such a nice believer and he loved the Belizian kids.
It was an action packed time with prayer, scripture, songs, plays, and a puppet named Herbert to entertain the kids. Kids had some serious attachment to those Jesus songs- including myself. They were all interactive songs with sign language and fun movements. When those songs came on, I was up and ready to go more excited than some kids. "We're going to jump and down. We're going to scream out loud. We're going to share the name of Jesus."
Another one was "I'm counting on, I'm counting on God."
The kids were so happy with the songs the Pastors had great energy, it was such a fantastic event. It was important for me to see kids reaction to their religion and the role it plays in their life. It was the STRENGTH I needed to see. These kids responded to the church and to what was being preached. Of course there were the normal behavioral problems and not listening that comes with sitting for long periods of time.
Otherwise, these children responded to JESUS and I was going to use that in my favor when working with them.
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