One woman

7 countries

3 months

Heart warming
Lol Funny
Completely stimulating
Visually gorgeous

 Overall, it was blessed beyond belief. When I look back, I am proud of myself, but I am most proud of his loving spirit that lead the way and kept me safe.  His spirit was present, his mission was accomplished, and his beauty outshines anything I could ever imagine.

 While we always walk together, this was a walk with constant whispers to be of service to all times and in all places. I really could not be more thankful with this gift and the confirmation was given from beautiful souls. They confirmed it with their eyes staring right through mine. They confirmed it verbally expressing how much I do and how well I do it. They confirm it with their long and sad goodbyes. They confirm it asking when I can come back or if I could please stay longer.  

 The praise was completely reciprocal. Isn't that how it's suppose to be when two people adore one another?

Absolutely worth it and absolutely inspiring me with constant confirmation..doing the right thing with nothing more and nothing less.

The best thing about all this traveling is that I can always write. No one can take that away from me and I am blessed with the life I live. The flexibility to move around, travel, write, and positively impact others for moments or a lifetime. It's all just priceless.

Thank you Lord for this journey

Thank you for the memories

Thank you for the empowerment

Thank you for your spirit.

And remember.....

Just a little more love

Just a little more peace

Is all it takes

To live a dream

Walking hand in hand

Got to understand

That one day too

We'll live in harmony

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