Truth About Nuns

When it comes to nuns, people often have their
preconceived notions and stereotypes.  Nuns are perfect humans created by God to serve him and others.  Nuns don't enjoy any music, go to the beach, or drink soda.  They have the same three meals a day and spend the whole day praying. 

First of all, many people are confused about their own religion and they have not found God.  Therefore, they judge those who have negatively rather than asking questions.  Asking questions about their experience, their daily routine, their interests, what they like to do, and their favorite food. There is such a fixation on their lifestyle and how they can sacrifice everything for this God. 

Why would someone do something like that?

Secondly, people believe that Nun's do not have interests like everyone else.  Nuns love to have fun just as much as any normal being. They enjoy the outdoors, they may love a certain sport of activity, they enjoy nice music, and they enjoy good food on occasion. Of course, they have a regular schedule to accomodate, but amongst their schedule they are allowed to enjoy.  God gives them permission to do that and be happy. 

Lastly, these sisters are better than most human beings. They are honest, loving, fun, caring, help their community, and have a passion for sharing his spirit. Some are reserved and some have more personality.  Some are more shy and quiet than others, but they are good people. They are good people who don't get enough appreciation or praise.
What makes them great is that instead of consistently engaging in wants and materialism, they engage in simple happiness. They get rid of the materialism and let their being shine. This is what makes them better people than the millionaire CEO with a Ferrari, every Apple device, and an empty soul. 

One should know that these women are wonderful women who make sacrifices to leave their family, to stay in one place permanently, to dedicate time to the church and community.

This experience was not my first time working with a nun and it will definitely not be my last.  
The Sisters I have met have been the opposite of what I would expect. The difference is that I share their faith and I have ultimate respect for them. 

Having the program from 2:30 to 5, it was wonderful having them participate. They would teach from 1:30 to 2:30 and they would also help them with homework.  After their part, I thought they would be done, but they engaged in the group exercises with kids.  Sister Mary was  unbelievably helpful when I was running activities.  She smiled, laughed, danced, made jokes, and she was full of life. Of course, she was 100 percent professional, but she was also human. It was so refreshing sitting with these nuns and hearing their values, interests, and passions. They were rather young in their 30s and shared they both chose Christ at a young age.  

When it comes to interests, Sister Mary shared that she went to the beach last week and she wore long shorts and a long sleeve loose top.  Sister Mary shared that she likes to eat pizza.  She usually eats what's given at the convent, but she loves the $1 pizza slices from the street(me too).   

As mentioned, they were annoyed with people's judgments against them even coming from their own family.  They don't understand why people think so negatively about their lifestyle.  I explained the same reasoning I wrote on this post and I empathized with how they felt. I found myself agreeing with them and shaking my head constantly. They both feel such judgment from others that they just don't get their life(me too). We all smile and hug each other realizing that we have to stick together and toss out the haters. They are not going to understand because they don't know the feeling of commitment. They may be all caught up with a pet, kids, sports, traveling, a relationship-but they aren't connected with the one thing that enhances life brightly. It changes your vision, your lens,  your desires, you needs/wants, and what's truly important. 

A vision can light up your soul and the rest of life fades into the distance.  

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