They Crave YOU

Sometimes Volunteers are completely unaware of how much they are craved. They are desired by those less fortunate who truly need their attention. Within their basic needs, there is a high need for acknowledgement and attention. There are so many people who are hungry for a simple exchange that can be done in just 15 minutes or less.  The elderly in my first organization craved attention- just a smile or short exchange could make their day. When I sat and had lunch with them, they were so thankful verbally and by expression.

With all the volunteers there on a daily basis not one person could go sit with them? 

In Guatemala, it is often the kids who get the benefits, assistance, and attention from volunteers.There is a respect for the elderly in the culture, but the NGOs are not focused on serving elderly rather adults take priority. All they can really provide is food to meet that need, but what about the acknowledgement of their being? They get lonely and often need a friend or just someone to sit with them.  

In Belize, the MH community is another population who is desiring that attention. The children and the youth especially crave someone to come and spend time with them. With Monkey Bay, they have so many volunteers coming in on a regular basis from the US, Europe, and even South America. Unfortunately, everything has its structure to follow with non-profits and there is a conflict in interest.

Most kids don't have an interest in community projects with social work so you can't force them, but it's a shame that so many people come in and not one can just go play a game with them or read a story. If they could just take a walk over to the other side... They would see children who just want your time.  Children who want to get to know you and learn about where you are from. They are human beings, just like you, on the other side.  They are living in poverty, but receiving a financial donation is not what they need. .

Give your time and love tourists- not your photo shots and your wallets. They don't bite they are just humans....

At the end of they day they just Crave You.


  1. I've read the whole blog! Sounds awesome! Thank you for sharing. :)
