Euro Night Out

The day had come and I was ready for us to have some fun. The Europeans had a great dynamic(clearly as they never separated).  When I came into their world, I was a few dashes of cinnamon added to a bland rice pudding. 

After dinner, they were ready to go and I was not as I was having dinner with the director discussing all my recent observations.  It was not like I was in a rush to go be around drinking-not an interest. 

It was still an opportunity to be social and meet new friends.  Slightly running across the field, I approach the restaurant and  I walk up the stairs. They don't need to be pointed out to me because  I see them sitting in front of me playing cards.  
Here I thought we could just talk or have this thing called a "conversation." 

All my fun energy was wrapped up in between their deck of cards and boring expressions.  While we did converse about our education, travels, relationships, and some deeper subjects-there was still plenty more to talk about.

Cute Belgium Boy Left-Next to  White Shirt 

This time there was an addition to the group, EJ, who is the son of the founder and lives in Brooklyn, New York.  We are on the same page with the cards and we are losing total interest.

The Europeans are drinking like fish-drink after drink after watching them drink  my stomach is getting upset just watching them. 

While I sit there not playing and making jokes, the European is drinking and staring and drinking and staring What is with all this staring and no action. It's kind of why I don't date guys who are my age. They are not quite matured as I would like them to be and my cute and flirtatious smiles are off to destination nowhere. 

In one brief moment, they put away the cards and I was ready to swoop in like an Eagle.  We were sitting and just making conversation and the rest of the group was staring at us. Our innocent little child connection was visible for everyone to see. Being very cute, I wanted to sing "Happy Birthday" to the birthday boy Oscar is so shy that I made it very informal(i.e. not asking the whole bar to chime in and sing him "Happy Birthday"). We ended up singing in English and Spanish and Oscar acted shy and embarrassed, but he secretly loved it. 


The Belgium boy was so happy with me and said, "That was sweet and cute."  Well clearly I knew this would create an increased interest. There was no secret plan to get him to like me more. The birthday song was just an enhancer for group energy and to provide acknowledgement for someones being(Mrs. Pris therapist hat is ALWAYS on).

After this point, I was ready for us to hang out a little longer and he was ready to go to sleep. It was only 9pm and I still had a full hour before my bedtime.  They all grouped together and Belgium boy was hanging out by the bar-separated from his group.  He clearly wanted to stay, but he was waiting for invitation and I was not going to give it to him. Bye Bye Belgium Boy. 

In between our place and the restaurant, the only light you get comes from the moon and stars. It's stunning, but those who are prepared walk around with the headlights(i.e. flashlights on their head).  
Off they went, one by one following each other down the dirt road path with their headlights strapped to their foreheads. I have this light too, but I prefer to be a rebel and leave it alone at times.

My amazing friend Juan-the real bartender!



          Pouring Drinks for Laughter
     I accept Smiles and more Smiles
                  I DO NOT drink!!!


                              Super cool Eli!         


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